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    Global Defenders Chat
  • Announcements:

    The Holy Pear watches always. Peace and light.

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  • Meet The Creator:


    Hello, I'm Pungy1234, your retired leader and founder. My career in CP armies has been quite dynamic and by many peoples' point of view, quite strange. I joined the Nachos in 2009. I was in Nachos for a while but then they forced everyone to download the Nachos toolbar. This had also been right after I had gotten a talk at my school about not downloading things O_O. Because of this, I didn't download it and couldn't access the Nachos site. That seemed to be the end of my army career. Eventually, I quit CP and went to the world of Runescape. One day, I decided to start playing CP again (don't ask me why) and I remembered the Nachos. I found their site, and I was not forced to download the toolbar :) so I rejoined as a Private and I am now retired. I lead and founded the Global Defenders of CP. Thanks to Redd Kool, my dream became a reality. I led GD through the Flyer Wars, the First SWAT War, World War XII, the Second SWAT War, and many other encounters. I lead GD to become 8th on the Major Army Top Ten, though I couldn't have done it without my ever so loyal troops. Through leading GD, I became far from inexperienced and was inducted as a Small-Medium Army Legend by SMAC. When SMAC had "Legends Removals," I was not removed. I am also working as a Philosopher on Club Penguin Army Central (CPAC) and as the Head at Small-Medium Army Central (SMAC). Through journalism, I was able to further expand my reputation, and bring my ideas to the Club Penguin Army World. I bought GD a CSS and a Domain (gdarmy.com), which were both worth every cent (special thanks to Etac for coding). I hope to have the honor of leading this army to its golden age. Join the Global Defenders today!

    - Pungy1234, GD Founder -

    P.S. You Can Contact me at pungy1234@gdarmy.com

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Welcome to the Global Defenders of CP!


To join our glorious army simply Form of Glory. Also, if you are an army hoping to merge, merge here. Here are the questions. Answer truthfully:

Form of Glory

  1. What is your Club Penguin Username?
  2. Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful.
  3. What timezone do you live in?
  4. On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders?
  5. Will you bookmark both our chat and website?
  6. Are you ready to have some fun?

Once you’ve submitted your form, expect to get your rank within 24 hours. If you don’t get your rank within 2 days of submitting your form, resubmit it and eMail Globaldefenderss@gmail.com (yes there are two “s”s). After you get your rank, your job is to follow the Global Defender Code (found on the empire page). Welcome to the GD. Also, bookmark this website so that you can easily find this site in the future.

❗ We want you to come back, so don’t join if you’re never going to look at this site again! ❗

After you’ve joined, go on our chat: xat.com/GDArmy and explore our site. You should be going on chat as much as you can and during events. Our home page will have all the scheduled events in a post so check the home page daily. It is your job to attend these events.


Thank You for Joining the Global Defenders of Club Penguin!
Go on chat after you have joined so that we can give you your chat rank.

432 Responses

  1. sOCKERMAN13

    • Pungy Edit: Welcome to the Global Defenders of CP. We are glad to have you with us.

    • Np3000
      Uma 2ic SunTroopers 3ic (worked hard for that -_ -)
      Of course
      Yes i will sighn up 🙂

    • 1. Your Club Penguin username. Cp68
      2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes I will.
      3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Uma 2ic, Vipers mod,blizzards mod, firestikers creator, and many more that I cant list
      4. Will you be active as a GD? As much as I can about 9/10 especially if im moderating.
      5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes
      6. How did you find our site? Cpac

    • 1) cheedu1

      2)yea UMA 3ic(retired now),IW mod,RPF mod,GD mod (wary),Royale penguins leader (3rd on smap) and in acp as member (annoyed)

      3) IST

      4) 10 (wary)

      5) did it already

      6) YEA WHOHOO

      one more: Can you gimme a good rank? (wary)

  2. 1. Your Club Penguin username Joee125
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Many…
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Sure
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Sure
    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional)? Nah….

  3. cheeze nacho
    i will
    nachos and staff sergeant
    i will try cuz im a nacho to and you know that
    i will try

  4. 1. Your Club Penguin username
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    yes,too many…
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    i will
    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional but recommended)?
    i will

  5. 1. Your Club Penguin username Maxthepingu

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    Oh Yes oh Yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    2 1st Hidden penguin army rank CO-Owner 2nd ACP Corporal
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Definatly

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    No I will!
    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional but recommended)? Ill subscribe to this

  6. 1: Vahvel1
    2: I think so
    3: Yes, Nachos, UMA, DW, VW, CC, RC, RCPAF
    4: yup
    5: Okay
    6: Idk

  7. 1. Your Club Penguin username Mrdoghnut

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? mod rank in air warriors. nachos ranger (2nd lowest rank). ice warriors marshal (quite a high rank). night warriors lowest rank. acp lowest rank but I quit acp. uma lowest rank. fire warriors 2nd lowest rank and more but I’ve already listed loads.

    4. Will you be active as a GD? yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? yes

    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional but recommended)? proberbly not

  8. Can i acept Commander?

  9. 1. Your Club Penguin username

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what
    rank and what army?
    leader of rvcp
    mod of gt
    private of nachos

    4. Will you be active as a GD?

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?

    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional but recommended)?

  10. 1. josh1093
    3:bb, mod.ww.high member.dw.low mod.wwacp,owner.pw,mod.gcp, mod.ea, leader
    6.no because i check my army sites alot

  11. 1.ralphmets1
    2.Yes,but i am in two other armies so it would be hard but yes
    3.trooper and commando general nachos and DECP
    5.i will try

  12. 1.jake36447 2.yes 3.no 4.yes 5.try to 6.yes

  13. red dude877
    try to

    can i be a mod???

  14. 1.foxrocks42
    3.shadow troop-commander
    4.try as best as i can
    5. same as number 4

  15. augo9
    i swear to be
    i have been in fire worriors and my rank was toast
    i’ll try to

  16. clyde16
    fire warriors: toast, lime green warriors: mod
    no i never check my e mail

  17. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Frosty645

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional but recommended)? Maybe

  18. 1. Your Club Penguin username.haleyang2
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? no
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Of course
    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional but recommended)? probably not

  19. 1. lollypoppa10
    2. Yes
    3. Nachos-segant, Ducks- Platoon Gerenal
    4. Yes
    5. Unless I am deadly ill in hospital! lol,yes.
    6. Yeah

  20. 1. Cool422
    3.Yes; ACP; Retired. Nachos of CP.
    5. Yes
    6. I might, depends.

  21. Franny8888
    No, but my bro is Redd Kool so
    No srry haha

  22. 1.Milan226
    2.Yes Sir
    3.A lot i can`t remeber them! (sorry)
    4.Yes,I will sir!
    6.I dont know,probably

  23. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional but recommended)? Suree

  24. Your Club Penguin username. Edgwe

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    Nachos, bragidier general
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?

    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional but recommended)?


  25. 1. Your Club Penguin username. jennifer9156
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? no i dont think so
    4. Will you be active as a GD? yes absolutely
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? yes
    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional but recommended)? yes


  27. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    yes,Team SWAT, High Platoon
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    i will try verry hard to
    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional but recommended)? sorry no

  28. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?Nachos still active Staff Serg and WW Private stil active

    4. Will you be active as a GD?Yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?Yes

    6. How did you find our site?someone told me

  29. 1. Penguin username:Juju78314
    2.Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?Yes
    3.Have you been in a CP army before? CPR not active sergeant
    4.Will you be active as a GD? Yes
    5.Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes
    6.How did you find our site? I was in a war and your army looked A LOT funner

  30. 1. Your Club Penguin username. P19270878

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? No

    4. Will you be active as a GD?Yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?Yes

    6. How did you find our site? Someone told me..

  31. 1. Your Club Penguin username. roknrolldude
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? no
    4. Will you be active as a GD? yes
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? yes
    6. How did you find our site? Demos2121 told me

  32. 1. Flaming13)
    2. Yes Sir!)
    3. Yes, I was a intinate.Nacho army, and another but I forget the name)
    4.I hope so! Im becoming a member tomorrow probibly so I will be on more.)
    5. I’ll try but I’ not making any promises)
    6.The leader messaged me.)

  33. 1.arceus2088
    3.Nachos private
    6.Pungy he private chatted me to join lol

  34. penguin70891
    nacho colonel
    pungy invited me on nacho chat

  35. 1.Bappo
    3.Otters-Major General Nachos- Private Cone heads ambassador
    6.You are allies with the coneheads

  36. 1. hpea
    3.yup nachos acp dcp shadowops wolf mongers and browines
    4. hopefuly
    5. ill try my best
    6.wats his face pmed me on nacho

  37. 1.LayLay526
    3.Nachos idk rank..
    6.My sister is apart of this place,so i got it from her.. (cool422)

  38. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    6. How did you find our site?

  39. Pengton19
    Sure anytime
    I looked on CPAE

  40. 1. Gares
    2. uhh sure?
    3. acp and swat and ice warrirors and nachos
    4. yup
    5. yup

  41. 1.krill
    3.acp and swat and ice warriors and nachos

  42. my user name is mimo 98 yes i will obay my superiers i have been on a cp army b4 i was a spy for them i had quit yes i will be as active as i possibly can i will check the web daily a leader gave my the SITE SIR

  43. btw it was in acp

  44. My names jacknat02

    I will be loyal

    Yes i have and my rank was a staff sergeant

    I will be active

    I will check it daily

    if found it by typeing in the name

  45. 1. Spiderguy22
    2. Yes I will be Loyal
    3. Yes,Nachos,Staff Sergeant
    4. Yes
    5. Yes
    6. Pungy Told me to join,So i decided to join.

  46. 1) penquinno26
    2) I will be very loyal in no matter what situation!
    3) no, but I really want to be in this one and I want a good rank really bad because this is the only army I will be in!
    4) I will be as active as possible!
    5) Oh yes I will!
    6) my good friend showed it to me and it is so awesome!

  47. ummm sorry I wasnt acitve

  48. NEGI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2.yes sir
    3. alot (this my 13)
    4. Yes Sir..Pungy…and Redd…
    5. I will try i have bad connection somtimes
    6. Negi told my 2 days ago(I MISS YOU NEGI!!!)

  49. MIMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  50. Side Kick
    Nachos General, Blue Warriors 3ic, Water Vikings High General

  51. DEMOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    Mann 21440

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?

    4. Will you be active as a GD?

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?

    6. How did you find our site?

  53. Rainbow54334
    Nachos Ranger
    Veny told me to join!

  54. 1)ememjb123
    6)veny told me to join
    I changed your name cause we all know its you XD~Red Dude877

  55. 1. Moses106
    2. yes
    3. Water Vikings Elite Warlord, Blue Warriors Leader
    6. Because it was on the CP SMAC for the Rising Army of The Week

  56. 1. Not Bacon
    2. Yes
    3. No
    4. Yes
    6. My friend Red Dude told me

  57. 1. Bunny Lo
    2. Yes
    6. You were on google

  58. ugh Ninja!!!!!!!!!

    (he told me to type the join thingy and I just delted my paste and copy.. -.-)

  59. thanks Negi….and you its deleted…
    1, Ninja1234
    2. Yes
    6. I searched on google and Negi told me about this

  60. jamaica507
    air warriors rank:major general
    on google

  61. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Flipper7706

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Hell no, I’m badass.

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Have I been in armies? Hmm..

    Army of Club Penguin – Leader [Supreme Commander].
    Golden Troops of Club Penguin – Creator/Leader.
    Nachos of Club Penguin – 3rd In Command.
    Golden Warriors of Club Penguin – Creator/Leader.
    Rebel Penguin Federation – 2nd In Command [When they were big.]

    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yeah! :mrgreen:

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yup, bookmarked just now.

    6. How did you find our site? Well, I wanted to join a smallish army, as it is fun to help an army rise. I checked out CPAE, and there you were: 10th Largest army in the Medium top 10. I wanted to come and help!


  62. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Iasgae 56
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? I will.
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Former ACP Leader, Former CPAC Head of Site, Former GT 2ic, Former Head of CP Army Council
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes.
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? I will indeed.
    6. How did you find our site? Flipper reccomended I join.

  63. 1.Haystacks Dd
    3.acp=2nd LT oa=1.5ic nightmare warriors of cp=1ic tacos=captin
    6.found it on acp chat

  64. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Cross Leader
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Uma=Leader, LT=top mod, WW=lowest mod, WB=second highest member, HSA=lowest mod, NW=lowest member, DW=top mod… and thats all i can think of now… other then some small armies…
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Sure
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Sure
    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional)? probably not.

  65. 1. Your Club Penguin username.racin matt and blastman204 and chrisdog204 and speddy4
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?alot ive quit most of them
    4. Will you be active as a GD?yes
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?i will
    6. How did you find our site?jacknet licked me

  66. 1. Your Club Penguin username:Tommy88697

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors:yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army:ACP Staff Sergeant.

    4. Will you be active as a GD:yes.

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily:if possible i will.

    6. How did you find our site:jacknat02 recruited me.

  67. 1.flst*


    3.yes.ACP.staff sergent



    6.jacknet02 recruited me

    *flst with an L

  68. 1. Your Club Penguin username.


    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?


    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?

    -ACP (Retired), former General and 2ic
    -Creator/Leader of SSACP

    4. Will you be active as a GD?


    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?


    6. How did you find our site?

    -Jacknat02 told me about it.

  69. i was recutied by jacknat02 acp and nachos rank aco corpral nachos lieutenent can i pleas join 🙂

  70. penguin name ollie3618 other armies nachos and acp rank in acp corpral rank in nachos lieutenent i will be active i will try to check the site daily and i will be loyal:) for ranks u can just put on joke dude 🙂

  71. 1.pikaFever1
    2. yes
    3.Yes Nachos-not added yet, Ducks-not added yet.
    5. Yes,I will try
    6. From Negi

  72. 1. b Batman3
    3 Acp staff sergeant
    5i will
    6 on acp or through acp chat

  73. For # 6 Jacknat recruited me

  74. 1. Your Club Penguin username.

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    ACP, NCP, SMCP, and Sasla Warriors
    Warrant Oficer, Leader, Leader, and @2ic

    4. Will you be active as a GD?

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?

    6. How did you find our site?

  75. 1. Your Club Penguin username.Evan65702

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    4. Will you be active as a GD?yes(TRY)

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    6. How did you find our site?

  76. real answer
    1. Your Club Penguin username.
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?acp,warrant officer 😀

    4. Will you be active as a GD?yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?yes

    6. How did you find our site?Jacknat02 the major general

  77. 1.luigibro8963


    3.acp staff sergant,dacp co leader,bravocommand forcemajor genral,rpf sergant,acp bomb squad,genreal



    6.jacknet recruited me

  78. 1. 1a3t

    2. yes

    3.Ww commander, light troops highest mod,dcp1G 2nd lowest mod mod,rba 3ic,spartans 2g 2ic, uma 2ND highest mod, FPA main leader and creater, snow warriors 2g 2ic, dw member, bma 2nd lowed mod, ice republic highest mod, arctic warrriors lowest mod , EPR second highest mod, S.W.A.T 3ic, Heros sergeant, team epic 3ic, moon troops leader, UST leader, MR 5ic, Sky troops 3ic

    4. yes

    5. yes

    6. Jack something linked me

  79. 1. justin bie29
    3. Lt general
    6. jacknat linked me

  80. Starwars9951
    jacknat linked me

  81. drsnpr
    all of them
    u told me

  82. 1. james30072
    3. Ice Vikings Lowest Mod Tacos Lowest Mod Water Vikings 2ic IW marshall and Scouts high member
    6.You are allies of WV

  83. 1.Fireball1876
    3.Yes,nacho army,private.
    6.myfriend Negi_123_456

  84. 1:selenaa934
    3:Almost every army and Im currently in Nachos,sergant,Black Dreams,head general and BCF,2ic.
    6:Pungy told me on nacho chat.

  85. 1. Your Club Penguin username.Phwebkinz

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?mod water tribe member elites

    4. Will you be active as a GD?yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?yes

    6. How did you find our site?spiderguy22 told me

  86. (1)coolping3551 (2)yes (3)gold army/scout (4)yes (5)yes (6)found it on CPUN

  87. 1.LSU TIGERS53

  88. 1.LSU TIGERS53

  89. 1. Toco 7
    2. yes
    3. yes. Blue Warriors: 1.5ic, Dark Blue Warriors: 1.5ic
    4. yes
    5. yes
    6. I had seen you guys in the top ten and I thought I would join.

  90. 1. Glen Billy
    2. yes
    3. i havent but Demos2121 has told me about it.
    4. yes
    5. yes
    6. Demos2121 told ne

  91. 1. Hbk300
    2. Yes
    3. Yes. Nachos Major, Bdcp Leader, Dcp warrant officer, black hawks 2ic, acp warrant officer, nw soldier
    snow warriors commander.
    4. Yes
    5. Yes
    6. I went to your chat and I found the link

  92. 1. Glen679
    2. yes
    3. no
    4. yes
    5. yes
    6. glen billy told me about it

  93. 1. Your Club Penguin username.


    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?

    Loyalty is something brought by intrest all should know, yes I will be loyal, but I will not follow orders that are corrupted and serves one mans benefits, unless I pledge my allegiance.

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?

    A lot, let’s list few…

    PW: 2ic

    WV: 3ic, Temp. Leader.

    ACP: Major General *Demoted after leaving.*

    Thats enough I suppose.

    4. Will you be active as a GD?

    Of course.

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?

    Of course.

    6. How did you find our site?


  94. sonnysst8
    tf psf and i own a army callled the frosty leaves
    private commander and leader
    ill try 8/10
    veny showed me

  95. 1.pokemon26693
    3.50 armys or sothin
    6.army news sites

  96. 1. Your Club Penguin username.Bearsandcubs

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?yep

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?too many to list :mrgreen:

    4. Will you be active as a GD? yeah

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?yep

    6. How did you find our site?Pungy

  97. Penny550
    Yes PACP and HA of CP
    Yea il try
    Pengton19 and pungy
    P.s sorry I’m logged on pengtons account

  98. 1.kennyphan
    5.you guys came to cp and said to look it up

  99. plz let me join

  100. 1.kerouaz
    3.alot some owner some r mods except nachos
    5.you guyz said to look it up

  101. 1. kdrp
    2. yes
    3. creator and owner of cpds and eagle
    note plz may i get a mod rank because u guys r awsome and i will recruit a lot more for you and i will add u as a mod rank on my army as well.

  102. 1. Your Club Penguin username.Tic Loo Loo
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yup
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Nachos: 4ic Rpf: colonel ACP: Major Gen and Red Peppers of cp creator
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yup
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?Yup
    6. How did you find our site? Long story…
    I should get Highest Mod rank as im very Experienced in cp warfare, If not 2nd highest mod rank will do.

  103. I’ve been in cp warfare for 3 years

  104. 1. What is your cp name. Duncanbh or Nano
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?Yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?over 100
    4. Will you be active as a GD?yes
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?yes
    6. How did you find our site?i found it by the AR chat

  105. is that your full CP name “Duncanbh or Nano”

  106. kool

  107. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    A. Pengutala
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    A. Yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    A. Yes, Fao – Member. Scouts of CP
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    A. My rating would be 7.5% online each day or every 2 days or so.
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    A. As often as I can
    6. How did you find our site?
    A. My friend was on the chat of this army which I followed to.

    Thank you,

  108. 1. Puggie4276
    3. Yes; Nachos private(became inactive),Snow Warriors major(retired because of hurt self esteem), RPF private(Active)
    4. Maybe 60% as active
    5. If I can
    6. CPSMAC

  109. 1. Kodo
    3. Yup Acp and nachos
    4.sure 8/10
    5. ill try
    6. Gares told me the website

  110. 1.L$U TIGER$
    3.blackhawks-mod blackdreams-2ic acp-mod bravocommandforce-leader eaglesofcp-3ic stealth trops-mod nachos-ranger leoni mafia robers-mod lemon army of cp-2ic
    6.through google

  111. oh my name is L$U TIGERS53

  112. 1Aboy11
    3.blackhawks-mod blackdreams-2ic acp-mod bravocommandforce-leader eaglesofcp-3ic stealth trops-mod nachos-ranger leoni mafia robers-mod lemon army of cp-2ic
    6.through google

  113. 1. Not Billybob
    2. Yes
    3. USCP First Sergeant
    6. SMAC

  114. cademan12
    i really wanna join!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  115. 1.Greeny2250
    2.OF COURSE!
    3.yes;BlackDreams(leader),Dream Troops(leader),BACP(leader),Demon Warriors(2ic),Nachos(i left,but y rank was Major), and ACP(Private)
    4.I’ll try,i am still leading another army but i will try my best.
    6.Epical GFX and we r buddys

  116. edit to number 4,i retired from that army so now the new answer to number 4 for me is Yes

  117. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    Mr Fast
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    Too many
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    6. How did you find our site?

  118. 1. Your Club Penguin username.Trey5482
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?Yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?Acp iw Nachos Uma Lots of others all 3ic and up
    4. Will you be active as a GD?yes
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?yes
    6. How did you find our site?The chat

  119. 1. Your Club Penguin username Tomassx
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Lot
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Sure
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Sure
    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional)? idk
    And my name in your chat is Prince_Cilveks

  120. Your Club Penguin username. pippylup2

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?yes grapes grand general and dragons leader

    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?

    6. How did you find our site?
    heard from xat link off lollypoppa 10
    Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional but recommended
    no probbly not

  121. 1. Your Club Penguin username. vio789

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Lots of small armies some leadership roles and big armies but right now nacho sergeant

    4. Will you be active as a GD? ill try my best

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? i ll try my best

    6. How did you find our site? Pungy over Xat

  122. pippylup2
    yes grapes grand general
    lollypoppa10 told me via chat room

  123. 1. Your Club Penguin username
    My username is caty1201

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    Yes of course i will. I will not give up trying.

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    Actually this will be the first army i have ever joined.

    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    Yes i will certainly try.

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    Yes because the website is fantastic.

    6. How did you find our site?
    My brother was on the internet and just happened to type in global defenders of cp. It worked. There were tnons of suggestions and as soon as i saw the site i wanted to join. Anyway what is the capital server?

  124. 1.Camperjohn64

    2.Yes of course

    3.Yes I have been in the Nachos

    4.Yes i will try my best

    5.YES I probably will

    6.A troop told me about it

  125. I recruited him pungy! Add me on recruit page or something

  126. 1. Your Club Penguin username:Tommy88697

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors:YES SIR.

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army:ACP,C.P.D.S,mining warriors,European army of cp,pirates of cp,vikings of cp.

    4. Will you be active as a GD:this time i PROMISE.

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily:YEAH.

    6. How did you find our site:i have known pungy for some time i dunno when we met i think when he recruited me for global defenders LOL thats ur answer.

  127. Dj Pingy8
    Um ya ok then
    ACP Sergeant,Nachos Private,AR Field Major.
    Ok I will try to! 😀
    From AR’s Allies page…

  128. Inferminate
    propeller army
    I forget rank
    My BFF pengton19 recruited me. Sorry I am using his I touch ( I’m his cousin

  129. Your Club Penguin username poppyatice2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Many…
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Sure
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Sure
    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional)? no soz


  130. 1.Agent Mqb

  131. 1.Agent Mqb
    6.Clyde recruited me

  132. 1.onc1
    2. yes
    6.clyde recruited me!

  133. Due to me being on my iphone, I may make mistakes, I was in GD once, I couldn’t stay active though : l but I have returned!

    1.) Charizard58

    2.) Of course

    3.) ACP – Retired Major General (Mod)

    Golden Troops – Retired Highest mod

    Water Vikings of CP – Retired Leader.

    Ice Viking – Highest mod

    Other armies – ranks

    4.) Of course

    5.) Yep

    6.) Not really…

  134. 1. sonnysst8
    2. yes
    3. Officer Lt. Colone owner tornado force elite knights blue knights
    5. yes
    6. a friend told me

  135. i have been a GD for three days

  136. X
    ACP, PACP, HACP staff, leader, leader
    I searched global defenders

  137. 1. Your Club Penguin username. crystalatice
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?suntroopers 2ic
    4. Will you be active as a GD?yes i will try
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?yess i will try
    6. How did you find our site?negi

  138. 1. Your Club Penguin username?Flash70801

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? yes.CPR 1*General ACP sargent ETC….

    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? yes

    6. How did you find our site? i got linked onto this site by your chat

  139. !) SJones1999
    2)yes ofcourse
    -purple warriors
    4)yes…well i’ll try anyway
    5)i’ll try to

  140. 9John Cena
    My friend told me (Braydendk)

  141. Euancooly
    Scouts of cp baloo active
    Sledderboy leader of scouts told me

  142. 1. Your Club Penguin username. liam7997

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? yes sir!

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? acp,warrent officer nachos, ranger,marines of cp, colenil ,noble team of cp, sniper troop.

    4. Will you be active as a GD? yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? yes

    6. How did you find our site? some one asked me to join.

  143. 1. Your Club Penguin username.

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    acp warrent officor

    4. Will you be active as a GD?

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    6. How did you find our site?
    a global defender said join us

  144. 1.peteor pan 2.yes 3.iw lutendant rk leader 4.yes 5.yes 6.i heard about you so i typed in the most oviious name club penguin global deffenders.

  145. 1.Pet penguin5
    2.Sure because this army is the coolest I saw YET!
    3.I am in ACP-Brigader general and GT-Lowest mod
    and Pringles of cp-creaor
    6.Umm…Well I heard about it then I checked it out,cool army!


  147. 1.warriorr99
    3. NW ~ sergeant USCP ~ general WR ~ 2ic CPK ~ leader UWK~ leader SB~ great leader SPK~ leader NACHOS ~ trooper PI ~ colonel

  148. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    6. How did you find our site?friend

  149. Starf1
    yes colonal in tornado force of cp

  150. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    NFF highest mod (lowest owner after promos) TACP highest mod CPST major ACP sergeant Dragons of club penguin (forget official name,XD) highest mod
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    6. How did you find our site?
    Pungy on ACP chat

  151. 1. Your Club Penguin username. tkdkid4

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? CPSA 2ic

    4. Will you be active as a GD?yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?yes

    6. How did you find our site? thunder army of cp

  152. 1:Weatherboy1
    2:Yes of course
    3:Yes ACP;LT colonel BSW;Supreme commander DCP;Division general

  153. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    -My Club Penguin username is Iyn716

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    -Yes, I will be a loyal GD and obey my superiors.

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    -Yes, my rank is the main elite leader and my army is CPS.

    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    -Yes, I will be as active as a GD.

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    -Yes, I will try to check the GD website daily.

    6. How did you find our site?
    -I found your site in Scouts of CP.

    I hope I get added!

  154. 1. Hurricanex1

    2. Yes

    3. Yes, UMA Leader, PI Leader/Creator, Nachos 2ic, RPF 2ic, WW 2ic, Dark Warriors Leader, FGR Leader and much more 😀

    4. Yes

    5. Yes atleast, at least twice a day.

    6. 😉

  155. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Huskers1939

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Yes, Electric lantz mafia leader in training, light troops light commander, electric warriors creator, desert troops co creator, team gold, im not on ranks yet, club penguin green team 4th member rank i think, shadow troops of cp, some 2nd mod rank, UMA im not on ranks yet. I think thats it.

    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes

    6. How did you find our site?
    I felt like joining.

  156. 1. TyloV5
    2. Yes
    3. Yes, I was an ACP 3rd in Command, a 3rd Generation Elites leader, a CP Clones leader, and countless other ranks in many other armies
    4. Yes
    5. Yes
    6. Through CPA Central

    I have a few more things to say. I can’t go on chat, so don’t think I’m inactive. Also, based on my leadership experience, please don’t put me at a low rank. Thank you.

  157. 1. Ebido
    2. Yes
    3. Yes, but I can’t tell you.
    4. Yes
    5. Maybe, but no promises
    6. Scouts Merge (I was late when I found that out)

  158. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    Bja Tc Md Gd

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?

    Army Reoublic Leader(now 4ic), Fw (now ninjas) 3ic (retired), DCP l.i.t (retired),Acp Lowest mod (quit),Cowboys leader, oreos 2ic, Ice Breakers leader
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    Of course

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?

    6. How did you find our site?
    Cpac top ten list

  159. 1. Eettuuyy
    2. Of course.
    3. Yes, ACP= Captain/ Ex-Colonel, Red Rampagers=3ic, 1st Legion= Praetor/1ic
    4. Yes, I will try my best to attend the events although I live in East Asia.
    5. I do for the ACP and RR, why not here?
    6. I’ve seen you guys on CPAC and Veny123 recruited me.

  160. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    Great Alex12
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    Yes and yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    ACP – Field General
    GT – 4ic
    TG – Mod rank
    Leader or 2ic of some small / medium armies
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    6. How did you find our site?
    A guy recruited me

  161. 1. Your Club Penguin username.Sharpy 100

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?Yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?IMAF Mid mod, Nachos Colonel, Romans 3ic, GFCP Leader

    4. Will you be active as a GD?Yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?Yes

    6. How did you find our site?I always new it and I joined now.

  162. 1. Your Club Penguin username. korinna901

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Yes RT Highest Mod ACP Warrent Officer RPACP 2ic and lots more high ranks

    4. Will you be active as a GD? yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? yes

    6. How did you find our site? I go on the chat and decided to join

  163. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Jasonx1998
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes Sir!
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Yes IW warrant officer
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes
    6. How did you find our site? Top Ten

  164. 1. Your Club Penguin username.


    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?

    Of course.

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?

    ACP – Major General

    Water Viking – Leader

    GT – Highest mod rank

    UMA- Private : P

    IV – 3ic

    4. Will you be active as a GD?

    Of course…I’ve made this promise 2 times already…

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?


    6. How did you find our site?

    Magic : D

  165. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Chrisi Blule
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?Yes
    Nachos brig gen ( a long time ago in the land of person1233)
    ACP – Brig gen
    Black Bandits (2nd Gen) Head warlord, (3rd Gen) 3ic, (4th,this gen) Leader
    WW- Colonel
    RPF, Colonel
    FGR (this gen) 2ic
    Sun troops mod
    Golds (i miss them) Highest member
    RBAA (first rbaa)- highest member
    Water raiders – 2ic
    many many more
    4. Will you be active as a GD? If you wish
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? when I can
    6. How did you find our site? Cause Im special

  166. 1. Your Club Penguin username.Skipper1090
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?Yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?Here we go..
    IW retired Mod
    Nachos mod
    Cone Heads(a legend army)2ic
    FGR 2ic
    I have more but I cant remember,these are my main.^^
    4. Will you be active as a GD?Yep
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?I do that when I join an army…
    6. How did you find our site?I’m pungy’s friend,he knows me

  167. 1. Your Club Penguin username.: LadTom2 aka lentalsoup
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?- Yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?- I have been in…. perhaps one to many. Although I can tell you my highest rank in a Major army was leader.
    4. Will you be active as a GD?- Yes, Summer is coming up so that is a guarantee
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?- I bookmarked it
    6. How did you find our site?- CPAC , CPAE, SMAC? idk.

  168. I have allready join,but it wasn’t me,it was my friend on my compute sorry!

    1. Your Club Penguin username.Milan226

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?Yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?CPFBI(major)AW(general)Blizzard Troopers(Creator),etc.

    4. Will you be active as a GD?Yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    6. How did you find our site?I think google,aint’t sure

  169. 1. Your Club Penguin username. skyfish

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    ACP field general, EK 2ic, PW 2ic, IF 1ic, DCP (Former generation) 2ic, heroes 3ic, SF leader
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    6. How did you find our site?
    through others (army experience)

  170. 200TH RESPONSE ;D

  171. rockn mandee
    penguins told me to look this up

  172. 1. Your Club Penguin username.

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    I’ll list the armies i’m in now XD I joined 18 armies
    Tornado Force 2ic
    Puffle Warriors 3ic
    Purple Heads mod

    4. Will you be active as a GD?

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    I use my phone so yup

    6. How did you find our site?
    Friend told me

  173. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Redraym
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes I promice.
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Yes I am in ACP
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes.
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes.
    6. How did you find our site? A friend told me about it.

  174. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Gustavo2003.Sir.
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes.Sir. 3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? No but i am making one.Sir
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes.Sir
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes.Sir
    6. How did you find our site? Your other blog.Sir.

  175. pablo20045
    yes i will
    i have been in the ACP as Corpoal, In the Nachos as staff sargent, and in the vikings as a Braidget General
    yes i will be active
    yes i will try to check the site everyday
    i found this site through smac.
    P.S can i plz be in the central intelligence or something like that i am good at planing strategies.

  176. oh and i forgot i also created my own army its a really small armie do

  177. vinovin
    yes i will
    i will be active
    i will chek the site
    i find the site from cpscoop
    (i love earth and flowers and…etc.)

  178. p.s. my penguin is ultimate safe chat

  179. Rocky25721
    Yeah Over 100 CP Armies + Mostly Mod Rank + Owner Rank LOL

  180. olli3618


    i was offerd 3ic when it just started but i said no so now im saying yes



    friends with people on gd

  181. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    Yes. Lots of ranks and armies…
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    6. How did you find our site?
    Off of your chat…

  182. 1. Your Club Penguin username. mario man831.

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? yes.

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? silver soldiers troop and cp usa army specialist.

    4. Will you be active as a GD? yes.

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? i’ll try as hard as possible.

    6. How did you find our site? a blog.

  183. I REJOIN!!! yes Demos is back!

    1. Demos2121

    2. Fine

    3. Like 10 all mod or higher

    4. I’ll try

    5. I alway’s do

    6. On March 11, 2011 at 4:53 pm u guys recuited me

  184. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Agentrds

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes sir

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Yes, Pretzels Major General (Mod)

    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes sir

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes sir

    6. How did you find our site? Pungy homepage link on chat.

  185. Hi Im Luigi755

    Yes Of Course I Will Be Loyal

    Yes i Was On Nyzboy2009 Army (Penguin Of The Month)

    I Will Always Be Online In GD

    Of Course I Will Come Everyday

    Like All Guys I Say That Is Thanks To Pungy’s Webpage

  186. 1. my cp name is cool ice 64
    2. yes
    3. i been in acp, blackbird, golden land troops, blizzard warriors and i dont know what rank i was.
    4. yup
    5. of couse
    6. from a friend

  187. 1. Your Club Penguin username.hjk07

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?ninja freedom force(colonel)acp(sergeant)

    4. Will you be active as a GD?yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?i will

    6. How did you find our site?i found it in cpa central

  188. Hunter4690
    ill try
    umm no
    ill try
    umm i know Negi and Pungy

  189. 1. Your Club Penguin username. p90312783 and ssppeeddyy02
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? nachos (PVT) 3ic (i forgot) 2ic (forgot again) and really high no joke
    4. Will you be active as a GD? ya i got notin other to do
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? yes
    6. How did you find our site? xat ads

  190. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Patrick 302

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Fire Force:Leader, Tornado Force:retired officer,Penguin Protectors Army:3ic

    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes

    6. How did you find our site? Google

  191. 1. Your Club Penguin username. RitzCrack24

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes, Ofcourse.

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Uma Mod Nacho Staff Sergeant Gt Mod Cpgt Mod

    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes.

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? I’ll bookmark it :D.

    6. How did you find our site? I heard about this army and i am interested in joining. A person names Jecknat02 linked me.

  192. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Rammy9
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes sir!
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? BDCP leader,SCPLeader ,NACPLeader ,ACPSergant,NACHOS Trooper,Kings of cp Leader. PWCP 2ic, BACP 3ic,DMW2ic ,gwcp leader,Green Troops Mod ,
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes
    6. How did you find our site? Through Greeny2250. (my cp friend)

  193. Bobbyzachk
    Told you on chat XD
    I will check more then daily
    CPAC like 3 months ago

  194. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Stompgirl 1
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Yes. 1ic,2ic,3ic,4ic, and high mod.
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes unless im with my family.
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes
    6. How did you find our site? Pungy told me to join :p

  195. halo67112
    yes way to many to name
    ill try
    welll ive heard a lot bout gd and i decided to join

  196. 1. Your Club Penguin username.percyhavin20
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before?fgr of cp acp of cp cpst pw ar elites of cp ice legion super troops and blizzard warriors If so, what rank and what army?a Grand General in fgr a sergeant in acp a Colonel in cpst a Ninja of Darkness in pw a Sergeant in ar a Sergeant First Class in elites highest mod in ice legion a 2ic in super troops and a Field General in blizzard warriors
    4. Will you be active as a GD?yes
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?yes
    6. How did you find our site?pungy sent me the link

  197. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    Nachos, Member, Elites, Co-Mod
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    I can’t.. But ill try
    6. How did you find our site?
    Pungy recruited me.

  198. Your Club Penguin username. P Shadow Guy

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? NAchos, member

    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? yes

    6. How did you find our site? Recuited

  199. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Epicdudeman

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? No this is my first one

    4. Will you be active as a GD? yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? yes

    6. How did you find our site? I went to your chat and kinda found it myself…

  200. 1. Your Club Penguin username.

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    GT 2ic, DCP Leader, UMA 2ic, Watex Warriors 3ic, Purple Heads 2ic, Brownies Leader, DPW 2ic(were big), ACP Mod
    Just a brief history

    4. Will you be active as a GD?

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?

    6. How did you find our site?
    My [Censored]

  201. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Nothing6683

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Fire Ninjas=Major Blizzard Warriors=Head Colonel

    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes

    6. How did you find our site? Advirtisment

  202. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Cheesehead214
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? yes sir!
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? no
    4. Will you be active as a GD? yes
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? yes!!!!
    6. How did you find our site? i saw you on club penguin

  203. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?eliteromans(leader) uma(highest mod)

    4. Will you be active as a GD?yea

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? yea

    6. How did you find our site
    my sack of waffles told me

  204. supper0Green

  205. i will loyol to gd

  206. yes i have been in acp elite it wont save cuz i got new computer

  207. i will be active to gd

  208. i will check it daily

  209. i found this this site by a global deffender

  210. 1. Johnylumber
    2. Mhm
    3. Lets just say… a LOT
    4. yes
    5. yes
    6. Pungy.

  211. 1. reddude5789 2. yes i will 3. ghost vikings swat iw deritos acp warrant officer 4. yes i will 5. yes i will 6. i looked on the internet

  212. 1. Floppy50611
    2. Yes!
    3. Yes, although I don’t remember exact ranks, I have been in TC, CPL, HSA, FW/RFW/FW again/Ninjas, CPC, WW, and many more. Currently, I’m WV 2ic, Pretzels highest mod, and LF leader.
    4. Yes!
    5. Yes!
    6. GD is a well-known medium army- I just know it.

  213. 1.Kaiba111
    3.No this is my first time.
    6.my friends on chat tole me.

  214. . Your Club Penguin username. Ericgarfeild

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Yes acp, sargent

    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes but i cant go on chats

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes once a week my computer is down

    I found your site randomly

    6. How did you find our site?

  215. u know me pungy

  216. 1. Your Club Penguin username Ungereleven
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Alot but not in mouths
    4. Will you be active as a GD? I’ll try my hardest i’m busy alot
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? I’ll try

  217. 1. TaylorAndres

    2. Yes

    3. no
    4. yes

    5. yes

    6. i found ur site by my friend

  218. 1:Boston1
    6: i found ur chat by my friend and this page by the chat!

  219. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    Yes, of course.
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    No I have not been in a CP army before.
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    Yes, I always am.
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    Yes, of course.
    6. How did you find our site?
    Searching to be a moderator, I am trying to keep CP safe from mean penguins.

  220. Your Club Penguin username. Cul8rsl

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? My current Armies : MCP 2ic, Ghosts Highest member, Magma Mafia 2ic,

    4. Will you be active as a GD? Ok

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes

    6. How did you find our site? When I heard about Global defenders I just looked it up

  221. 1. Your Club Penguin username.
    Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    Yes, of course.
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    No I have not been in a CP army .
    4. Will you be active as a GD?
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    Yes, of course.
    6. How did you find our site?
    found it in a chat zone

  222. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Cp68
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes.
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Lw 3ic, Striking raiders,advisor, Fire warriors creator, A.R private
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?Yes
    6. How did you find our site? Idk

  223. wow 254 :p nice accomplishment there : )
    1: Redrocks98
    2: Yes
    3: yes: dw ( high mod), ar( mod) cpl(leader)(mcp)leader) expedition army(leader) nachos(high member before i left them) and…. lol thats it i believe.
    4: yes
    5: yes
    6: i like graphics, and it is organized very well ; )

  224. Marco55564
    yes spartans of cp senate,acp 1st litunet,SWAT of cp spy
    GREAT! I was wondering how do u join the senate? thanks

  225. secondpengi
    swat 2ic unknown army 2ic magma maifa 2ic acp low mod rpf sergent
    desert warriors leader wcp mod

  226. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Rockyhousley

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yesssh

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? EW (Electric Warriors) Private

    4. Will you be active as a GD? I’ll Try As I Have School.

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes

    6. How did you find our site? Chat

  227. 1.PenguinBoy23
    3.yes so many

  228. 1. Your Club Penguin username.agentd12345

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?ACP rank:colonel

    4. Will you be active as a GD?Yes Sir

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?Yes Sir

    6. How did you find our site
    By pung4

  229. 1. tecnodude293

    2. yup

    3. no

    4. yes

    5. yes

    6. i saw u on cp

  230. 1.Minifotty
    3.Yeh quite alot:
    USED TO BE burgerbrothers leader,nitro warriors leader,red explorers leader and cpe 4ic, oh and im currently UAF leader, Air warriors leader ,blue ninjas and pringles leader and im Blizzard Warriors mod
    6.Google searched CP armys u guys were there

  231. Arch20045 aka Pablo20045
    yes UMA highest mod, Nachos 3rd highest member, CPST mod, AR mod, IW mid mod(quit) BW highest mod, UMCP leader (medium 2 weeks ago) FWCP 3ic (medium) LS (small) 2ic.

  232. oh I forgot
    yes through SMAC.

  233. Sharpy 100
    Nachos First Lieutenant (Highest member), IMAF Admiral (Middle mod)
    Ik pungy

  234. Your Club Penguin username. Rammy9
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes sir!
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?alot ok… ACP(sergant), Nacho’s(sergant), SCP,(leader), DMW(2ic), All of Grenny Teh Epic’s armies were 3ic to leader CPA(leader), Kings of Cp(leader),War Master of Cp(War Master(one of four)) And that is it…. I think?
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes sir!!
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes sir!!!
    6. How did you find our site? Mostly through Greeny Teh Epic (he’s meh bud)

  235. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Mr DoodleDee
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes, I promise
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Many, Most high ranks
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes I will
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? I will
    6. How did you find our site? Pungy invited me

  236. 1. Policepivi

    2. Yes

    3. I was a Staff Sergeant in ACP, Major General in Elites 4G

    4. Si, amigo.

    5. Yes

    6. Through Club Penguin SMAC

  237. 1. Your Club Penguin username.benten15260

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?SR creator LS RETIRED LT general

    4. Will you be active as a GD?yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?yes

    6. How did you find our site?i knew this army already

  238. 1. Your Club Penguin username. Agentrds

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Of course.

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Yes, UMA Highest Mod, Crusaders Leader. Pretzels 4G Highest Mod

    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes sir!

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes!

    6. How did you find our site? Pungy recruited me for mod. Lolz

  239. Catmanfish12
    NFF-3ic, AFCP- Retired 3ic, Desert troops mod, LT member,
    Uh uhu *yes*
    Friend did

  240. 1.Huj243
    2.LT Sergant
    3.I”ll try
    4.I’ll try
    5.CPA Central

  241. cmyamin727 blah blah blah yeah ive done alot mod in all owner in some yadda yadda yadda sure I LOVE YOU NEGI

  242. Purpeldoo123
    many armies and ranks
    I will do my best
    Doin my best

  243. Your Club Penguin Username: HyperNess05
    How Did You Find Our Site?: Pungy told me
    Have You Been in Any Other CP Armies?: Yes
    If You Answered Yes to the Above Question, What Army and Rank?: IceWarriors, I dont really know what my rank is.
    Will You Be Loyal to GD and Check the Site Daily?: Yes

  244. Uhhh….Yeah sure you know pungy blah blah blah yes yes TEEHEE

  245. I sent in a form!

  246. I filled out the form oh and hi Pungy =D

  247. I filled out the form now so can i offically be in ?

  248. case you forgot look at it again:
    1.Sara15936 Sir!
    2.No Not Really Sir!
    3.I Havent Been In Any Armys Sir !
    4.I Found The Site By Browsing The Internet Sir !
    5.Yes Sir

  249. i filled out the form (Bobby L71)

  250. I filled out teh form

  251. filled it out (darkman5)

  252. venom4324
    cone heads 3ic
    pungy told me about it

  253. Tymatt aka Your Cuddly teddy bear


    I told pungy in pc



    Your hat looks big

  254. i Filled Out The Fourm – Sup Dog

  255. I filled out the form 😉

  256. Your Club Penguin username. Ericgarfeild

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? Yes acp, sargent

    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes but i cant go on chats

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes once a week my computer is down

    I found your site randomly

    6. How did you find our site?

  257. Put My Name As manga 3 Thx P.S.I signed

  258. Filled it out

  259. 1.Skrillexpwns
    5.from sliper

  260. I joined.

  261. 1. Wwebestfan

    2. DCP – Creator & Leader
    LT – Leader
    Tacos – Leader
    RT – Leader
    UMA – Leader
    CPST – Recreator & Leader
    IW – 4th in Command (lowest owner)
    ACP – Field General (mid-mod)
    Nachos – 4th in Command (highest mod)
    DW – Major General (2nd lowest mod)
    Ninjas – Ninja Warrior (lowest mod)
    RPF – Lieutenant General (lowest mod)
    FGR – 2nd in Command (highest owner)
    GT – Leader in Training (highest owner)
    GW [1st gen] – Mod under test (highest member)

    ….and more….

    3. I’ll be active & loyal.

    4. I’ve known this army for a while.

    5. I’ll check daily.

  262. I’m in.

    I’m ACP infantry, IW infantry, DW infantry and CPA leader.
    I hate the RPF, NW and SWAT.

  263. i filled out the form

  264. ps im not eric im his friend im using his computer

  265. 1.Club Penguin username:Iceeblu101

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? Yes

    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    GT 2ic
    Snow Fighters 2ic(former large army)
    Retired Orange Republic leader(Former major army)
    Retired Fort Ghost Recon leader
    Current Elite Romans leader(Former medium army)
    Current UMA mid-mod
    Current Army Republic lowest mod
    Former Team Gold 3ic
    Former Dark Warriors 3ic
    Retired Elites(6g) 4ic
    and others I don’t want to list…..

    4. Will you be active as a GD? Yes

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? Yes

    6. How did you find our site?:idkkkkk

  266. puckerman

  267. Zak
    Of course.
    You know. 60+ armies, leader of 6 Major, currently only in Nachos as a 2ic.
    Dude. Do I even need to ANSWER that?

  268. I filled out teh Form of Glory…..’Ccept me

  269. filled out the form.

  270. I filled it out.

  271. Filled out form.

  272. I filled it out. 🙂

  273. I filled it out. 😀

  274. I filled out the form on the top of this page.

  275. EPIC! 314 COMMENT 😀 OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG…… I have no clue why I did that xD

  276. Filled the form out. :mrgreen:

  277. 1. Your Club Penguin username Maxthepingu

    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?
    Oh Yes oh Yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army?
    2 1st Hidden penguin army rank CO-Owner 2nd ACP Corporal
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Definatly

    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily?
    No I will!
    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional but recommended)? Ill subscribe to this
    Filled the Form out – Rejoining –

  278. I was a Major General

  279. rpf is better i demand a war

  280. i just won a war against u rpf wins global defenders of club penguin suck rpf wins

  281. I Would like to merge explosives of clubpenguin with global defenders for liutennant general rank!

  282. hey i filled out the form

  283. i filled out da form

  284. I filled out the form!!!

  285. Your Club Penguin Username Matt1919 (WordPress: Gustavo2003

    Have you been in other CP Armies? No NEVER!!!!!!
    Will You Be Loyal to GD and Check the Site Daily? Yes 7 x a week and i promise to be loyal

  286. I sent the form in

  287. I sent the form.

  288. Your Club Penguin Username: Aqua Rescue
    How Did You Find Our Site?: I found the website on the Club Penguin Army Central site.
    Have You Been in Any Other CP Armies?: Yes
    If You Answered Yes to the Above Question, What Army and Rank?: SWAT Warrant Officer, ACP Private, RPF Sergeant.
    Will You Be Loyal to GD and Check the Site Daily?: Yes

  289. I filled out the form.

  290. Veny123
    u know how
    gd colead,nacho private?
    loyal yes i will try thx 🙂 KEEP ON LOVING!!!!!!

  291. filled in

  292. funnyman155
    yes sir
    no sir
    i dont have a rank sir
    sir yes sir
    google searched found cpac and saw u guys

  293. filled in

  294. i filled out the form

  295. I filled in the form

  296. I filled out the form. y0

  297. filled

  298. I filled the form for a bones

  299. i filld it out

  300. name of penguin: 12p345
    yes sir
    pungy recruited me

  301. Your Club Penguin Username: ice man47
    How Did You Find Our Site?: people
    Have You Been in Any Other CP Armies?: yes
    If You Answered Yes to the Above Question, What Army and Rank?: 2ic, 4ic and mod
    Will You Be Loyal to GD and Check the Site Daily?: yes

  302. problem is that i dont have that world hat >.<

  303. Clay764 sometimes uses Pinkey0225

    Some Ppl Told Meh


    Cobra (2ic) LOTS MORE


  304. Your Club Penguin Username: Chillie17
    How Did You Find Our Site?: SMAC, or your chat
    Have You Been in Any Other CP Armies?: yes
    If You Answered Yes to the Above Question, What Army and Rank?:
    Tons, but I usually get owner or highest mod. I think any moderator rank is fine.
    Will You Be Loyal to GD and Check the Site Daily?: yes

  305. Your CP username: Hazie65673
    How did you find the site: CP army central.
    Have you been in any other CP army: Yes I have.
    What army and rank: So much I can’t remember ALL.
    Will you be loyal to GD and check the site daily: Yes I will

    Thanks so much.


  306. Your Club Penguin Username?

    Have You Been in Any Other CP Armies?
    Quite alot

    If You Answered Yes to the Above Question, What Army and Rank?
    FCP : Leader
    RPF : 2ic
    ACP : Captain
    Pretzels : lazy to check
    IW : lazy to check too
    AW : Major

    How Did You Find Our Site?(required)
    Well i dunno

    Will You Be Loyal to GD and Check the Site Daily?(required)

  307. Agent233
    mod ranks

  308. I filled out the form! And I can’t wait to get out on the battle field!! My username is giggly5702

  309. Giggly5702

    CPA central

    Only applied for army’s

    No rank only applied

    Oh yeah!

  310. Giggly5702
    CPA Central
    only applied
    no rank
    oh yeah!

  311. I’d like to join GDArmy, it may be nice to be in a army 🙂 My penguin’s name is Puppy Kevin, I’ll try to be in every battle but I might have to leave, still, waddle on!

  312. I already wrote stuffs on the forms of glory! 😉

  313. I filled out an application!

  314. Oops, I accidentally signed up to GD, again, 😀

  315. 1. Yeasy
    2. I have been in other armies.
    AW: Captain (mod)
    Nachos: Captain (mod) currently in it
    RPF: “5ic” (mod)
    ACP: 2nd Lieutenant
    UMA: Capo (mod)
    GD: First Lieutenant
    GD was the first army I joined in fact in February 2012 . I was in GD for 2 months, until that time when I left you guys at your hardest times. I can’t believe I did suck a thing, but I want to forgive you guys. the thing about me is that in every army I have joined, I have actually earned my rank, which means by coming to the events.
    3. I found out about you 8 months ago in a recruiting session on Outback.
    4. I promise to stay active Pungy.

  316. I filled out the form! 😉

  317. I filled out form

  318. I filled out the form

  319. 1.) Flames370
    2.) Go to http://xatspace.com/iFlames370.
    3.) McHappy/Icey Cold27
    4.) Yus.

  320. Your Club Penguin Username: Demos2121
    Additional Comments (Optional): its okay friends with the time and BTW i live in Australia Eastern Standard Time but its okay its just 18 hours in front of Eastern Standard Time
    How did you find our website?: I FOUND IT IN THE GOLDEN AGE I CANT REMEMBER! 😀
    Did somebody tell you to join? If so, who?: WELL REDD AND PUNGY TOLD ME TO REJOIN
    What time zone do you live in?: Other
    How active do you think you can be?: as much as i can because i live in Australia really i think not alot

  321. da demos is back beeches 😉

  322. Ok I filled out the comment. Lets take Waterkid down.

  323. i want to join i will do my duty

  324. Your Club Penguin Username JUJUFLOWER

    How did you find our website? INTERNET

    Did somebody tell you to join? If so, who?

    What time zone do you live in?Pacific Standard Time (PST)Mountain Standard Time (MST)Central Standard Time (CST)Eastern Standard Time (EST)Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT)Other CST

    How active do you think you can be? I USUALLY MAKE ALL EVENTS

    Additional Comments (Optional

  325. Arceus1296
    This is the best army ever that why i joined

  326. Genral10
    from one of the leaders
    like 60%

  327. im just writing so I subscribe to new posts

  328. i am making an army and am looking for allies
    i was wondering whether u would be an ally or not
    i have rpf as an ally
    stattik out

  329. Your Club Penguin Username?JoeyMaster41

    How did you find our website?I just know it

    Did somebody tell you to join? If so, who?Me, myself, and I

    What time zone do you live in?EST

    How active do you think you can be?Depends on day, but probably 7-8

    Additional Comments (Optional)? I LOVE YOU

  330. Your Club Penguin Username: xPins

    How did you find our website? Brady

    Did somebody tell you to join? If so, who? BRADY

    What time zone do you live in? Pacific Standard Time

    How active do you think you can be? 8/10

    Additional Comments (Optional) Sup

  331. What is your Club Penguin Username? Danel5
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. WVHQ as Mod, LT as Mod, IW as Member, Golds as Member
    What timezone do you live in? PST (California)
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? 6-7
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website? I already did 🙂
    Are you ready to have some fun? Ty

  332. What is your Club Penguin Username? Squeeky12
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. Redemption Force: 2ic, Lightning Strikers: Leader, Greek Sheeps: 2ic, Golds: 2ic, Sun Squad: leader, Elite Spartans: leader and I lead many small armies.
    What timezone do you live in? PST
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? 9
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website? Yes
    Are you ready to have some fun? Yes

  333. Hello my name is Bobrules 107 and I started joining armies in the middle of 2013. I can be active 98.888% out of 100% oe the time because of a Jewish weekend holiday. I have been in many other armies and if you would like to find out just ask me on chat. My time zone is EST and I will always be as loyal as possible to GD and I will never fear our enemies. I cant wait to have so much fun in GD. 🙂

  334. etho1004
    yes acp(private) royal penguins 4ic and golds(captain)
    6 it depends on when I’m at my dads which is at least one a week
    yeah i have done 1 event with you guys

  335. What is your Club Penguin Username: pinkygirrrl
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful: in many, 4 owner, 3 mod, two member
    What timezone do you live in?: MST
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders?: pretty active
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website:sure
    Are you ready to have some fun: why would i not be

  336. 1.What is your Club Penguin Username? Adro3
    2.Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful; Yes, many. GT 3ic, Pirates 2ic, RF 2ic, Team Gold leader, SWAT 3ic, Pretzels 3ic. +more
    3.What timezone do you live in? BST (GMT IN SUMMER)
    4.On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? Hopefully 8 over the holidays but when I get back to school, a little less – 6.
    5.Will you bookmark both our chat and website? Have done so already.
    6.Are you ready to have some fun? NOOOOO I HATE LIFE

  337. What is your Club Penguin Username? Brigade3
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful.
    LT 3ic
    Team Blue Legend
    UMA 3ic
    SWAT 2ic
    RPF 4ic
    DCP UK leader *offered*
    Chaos UK leader
    RF 4ic
    WV 4ic
    GPCP 2ic
    Cobra Leader
    WN mod
    Pirates mod/owner
    Cabin Defender Leader
    SR 4ic
    SAS leader
    Water Raiders Leader
    Pizza Republic Leader
    SP owner
    What timezone do you live in?
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders?
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website? Yes

    Are you ready to have some fun? Yes

  338. What is your Club Penguin Username? coolcal00 or cenas dad
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful.
    Chaos mod
    GPCP owner
    WR mod
    What timezone do you live in? UK
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? idk 7
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website? yh
    Are you ready to have some fun? yh

  339. User:Aaronh(on cp)
    real name:Jason
    Army:Wr leader
    Sp army
    Why i want to be Because Brigade3 gave me the link and btw the chat its epic 😉

  340. What is your Club Penguin Username?
    colj8, but call me flipastro
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. GP, 5ic: CPPS, 5ic: SWAT, 5ic: RPF, Lance Corporal: ACP, Private
    What timezone do you live in? Pacific Time Zone, of USA
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? over 10
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website? It already is
    Are you ready to have some fun? HECK YEAH

  341. What is your Club Penguin Username? Lollymolly22
    2.Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. Nachos, Lietenant RPF, Lieutenant No longer in:SPA, Advisor LS, Mod UMA, Mod
    3.What timezone do you live in? CST
    4.On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? 2
    5.Will you bookmark both our chat and website? Nah
    6.Are you ready to have some fun? FUCK YEAH

  342. Flu: You’re now on the ranks

    What is your Club Penguin Username?
    2.Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. DW Mod,UMA Mod,SP Mod etc but mod only
    3.What timezone do you live in? IiST
    4.On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? 8-9
    5.Will you bookmark both our chat and website? Yes
    6.Are you ready to have some fun? Yes

  343. What is your Club Penguin Username?-King Mondo

    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful.

    ESCP 2IC[ NEW ]
    SWAT 4IC

    What timezone do you live in?-PST

    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders?-Probably usually 7-9, but in summer i expect to be mostly 10.

    Will you bookmark both our chat and website?-Yes

    Are you ready to have some fun?-HELL YEA! 😀

  344. What is your Club Penguin Username? Korinna901

    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. I was in this army before, but I forgot my rank. I was in as RT Highest Mod, ACP Warrent Officer, RPACP 2ic and I’ve been in a lot of other little armies.

    What timezone do you live in? EST

    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? About 8/9

    Will you bookmark both our chat and website? sure

    Are you ready to have some fun? yeah

  345. What is your Club Penguin Username?-Brainiac22
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful.-Royale Penguins Main owner
    What timezone do you live in?-IST
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders?-7-8
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website?-yes
    Are you ready to have some fun?-yes

  346. 1. Your Club Penguin username. sing as king
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors? yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? SP 6IC , WW LEADER ,CPPD 3IC
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? yes i will
    6. Will you sign up for eMail notifications (optional but recommended)?
    dont know for sure

  347. 1.What is your Club Penguin Username? Kandie Doo
    2.Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. I forgot the ranks for most of them but…
    Nacho army
    Soda pop army
    I cant really remember right now, I will reply if I can remember ok?
    3.What timezone do you live in? PST
    4.On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? I say around 5 or 4 cuz I might be able to help every now and then.
    5.Will you bookmark both our chat and website? I bookmarked the chat and this place xd

  348. Welcome to the Global Defenders!

    What is your Club Penguin Username?:rajbir3
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful.:water ninjas mod,water vikings mod
    What timezone do you live in?:pst
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders?:6
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website?:i already did
    Are you ready to have some fun?;HELL YEAH!

  349. Welcome to the Global Defenders!

    1. Hutts
    2. No, this is my first ever Club Penguin army
    3. GMT +12 or New Zealand Timezone
    4. Of course I have homework and school like every other person, but that won’t stop my activity, so around the 8ish 9ish area
    5. Done and Done
    6. No, I don’t want to have any fun… OF COURSE I WANNA HAVE FUN

  350. 1. Blek
    2. No.
    3. Eastern Standard Time.
    4. 10
    5. Completed.
    6. Of course!

  351. Form of Glory
    What is your Club Penguin Username?Pink_ninja
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful.none
    What timezone do you live in?Central
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders?7
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website?Yes of course
    Are you ready to have some fun Totally

  352. What is your Club Penguin Username?
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful.
    What timezone do you live in?
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders?
    around a 5 lolly will bug me but not aloud on laptop after 9 plus internet is rubbish sometimes
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website?
    Are you ready to have some fun?
    yes, dur

  353. What is your Club Penguin Username-Raymond Six
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful.-ACP :Major AR:Liutentent General
    What timezone do you live in- Eastern
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders-9 (i might have a soccer game or a party but other than that ill be there)
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website-yes
    Are you ready to have some fun-yes

  354. 1.What is your Club Penguin Username-Bloowill
    2.Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful.-None
    3.What timezone do you live in-Eastern
    4.On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders-8
    5.Will you bookmark both our chat and website-Yes
    6.Are you ready to have some fun?-Yes

  355. 1.What is your Club Penguin Username? Midnight677
    2.Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. Nachos at private first class, ACP at sergeant and light troops at private light and RPF at sergeant and ice warriors at sergeant. I know, a lot right!
    3.What timezone do you live in? UK
    4.On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? 9/10
    5.Will you bookmark both our chat and website? Already done it!
    6.Are you ready to have some fun? LETS DO THIS!!! WHOOOO!

  356. What is your Club Penguin Username? Egbert 3487

    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. ACP – Corporal Nachos – Private Ice Warriors – Private RPF – Private 1st Class SWAT of CP – General Light Troops – Private! (That’s ALOT of Armies)

    What timezone do you live in? UK

    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? 4 (Hopefully 5)

    Will you bookmark both our chat and website? AW YEA!

    Are you ready to have some fun? AW YEA!

  357. What is your Club Penguin Username? Carrit10, Im an oldie
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. I forgot, its been really long since I been in cp armies, imma be coming back
    What timezone do you live in? PST
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? 8-9
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website? Sure, why not.
    Are you ready to have some fun? FAUCK YEA

  358. What is your Club Penguin Username? Gerry950
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. ACP private
    What timezone do you live in? est
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? 7
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website? yes
    Are you ready to have some fun? yeah! 😀

  359. 1.What is your Club Penguin Username?Not registered yet but Swatrules.
    2.Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful.I was in other armies. In LT, iv’e been 3ic the highest, Swat 4ic (still in that army today) and Ice Warriors,7ic.
    3.What timezone do you live in?Eastern.
    4.On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders?7-9
    5.Will you bookmark both our chat and website?Yes.
    6.Are you ready to have some fun?Lets do it!

  360. my username is
    cool girl

    I I go on this armie

  361. What is your Club Penguin Username?

    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful.
    RPF – Sergeant Major ::: Current Army
    Great Republic of CP – President/Leader ::: Dead Army
    Ice Warriors – Mod ::: Retired
    Smart Penguins – Mod ::: Retired

    What timezone do you live in?

    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders?
    7-8, sometimes 9.

    Will you bookmark both our chat and website?

    Are you ready to have some fun?
    Maybe… 😛 (Yeah)

  362. What is your Club Penguin Username? skies
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. no
    What timezone do you live in? gmt + 10
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? 8
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website? yeah
    Are you ready to have some fun? yeah

  363. flappy112
    I’ve been in nearly every CP army since 2007. I’ve risen through every rankStarted in UMA then rebelled to RPF. To name a few, RPF leader, FGR 2ic, UMA 3ic, LGA leader, and Nachos 4ic
    I live in CST but I’m on a lot for UK and AUSIA.

  364. Nuvnuv10
    psa, fear, nachos, wv, and dw (retired from all) mod on all, except psa – Owner
    Hell ya

  365. What is your Club Penguin Username? Grayrocket
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. Acp mid mod, LT 4ic, DW 3ic,DCp 4ic, UMA mid mod, IW mid mod, many more not naming all.(All of these are former)
    What timezone do you live in? EST
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? 8-9
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website?Yes
    Are you ready to have some fun?Sure :p

  366. What is your Club Penguin Username? westie7
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. no
    What timezone do you live in? AUS
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? 6
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website? yes
    Are you ready to have some fun? yes

  367. What is your Club Penguin Username?

    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful.
    I founded and commanded an army called the Snowy River Council, but was ousted by my third-in-command. I also enlisted in RPF for a brief period of time.

    What timezone do you live in?
    I live in EST.

    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? Seven, due to family and school responsibilities.

    Will you bookmark both our chat and website?
    I will.

    Are you ready to have some fun?

  368. What is your Club Penguin Username? MzoneCP (or Mzonecp)
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. Yes, CP Pirate Army.
    What timezone do you live in? GMT +10:00 Sydney, NSW (Australia)
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? 10.
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website? Yes…
    Are you ready to have some fun? YES DANGIT!!!

  369. 1.ben55841 2.ice worriors 3.gmt 4. I will be as active as possible! 5.yes 6. YEA

  370. 1.smile0930
    2.I have been in uma upa golds and dw and pr and I am in army of cp first class private and stricking raiders private
    3.Eastern Standard time EST
    5. yes I will remember it
    6. YEAH BABY

  371. 1.shelden3 2.dark warriors of cp private 3.pacific 4.5 5.yes 6. yes

  372. Your Club Penguin username.GOKUL ESWARA
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors?yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before? If so, what rank and what army? YES,being cheif creater in dark legendry army but now it is closed
    4. Will you be active as a GD? yes
    5. Will you try to check the GD website daily? yes
    6. How did you find our site?cheedu1 invited me

  373. 1.Your Club Penguin Username: Saady123
    2. Will you be a loyal GD and obey your superiors: Yes
    3. Have you been in a CP army before: No
    4. Will you be active as a GD? Maybe
    5. Will you try to check the GD website Daily? Yes
    6. How did you find our site GOKUL_Warrior_GD invited me
    7. I really want to Join your website

  374. Wuy908
    yes i will
    yes ice warriors general acp commander SAS owner
    yes i will be active
    Jack sent me

  375. Tans2008
    yes i will
    no experience
    i will be active
    SAS sent me

  376. gogobones96
    SAS sent me

  377. penguino779
    already did

  378. What is your Club Penguin Username? Hank 101 bish
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. man idk imma just start again
    What timezone do you live in? bruh AEST
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? man idk
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website? probs
    Are you ready to have some fun? i feel no joy anymore, so imma be back in armies see if that brings me joy like it once did

  379. What is your Club Penguin Username?
    Hyper Sonic1
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful. Yes. Chaos army- co founder, 3ic, 4ic, Staff seargent, Private first class. DCP 1st gen- Lieutenant. Night Shadows 4ic. Firebranders (dead) Leader. Blade masters (dead) Creator
    What timezone do you live in?
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? 4-5
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website?
    Are you ready to have some fun?
    Sure… Why not

  380. What is your Club Penguin Username? arine20
    Were you ever in any other armies? If so, which ones/ranks? Be truthful.ACP,RPF,LT
    What timezone do you live in? asia
    On a scale from 1-10, how active do you think you will be in the Global Defenders? 6
    Will you bookmark both our chat and website? yes
    Are you ready to have some fun? yes

  381. smile0930
    I am a RPF master seargent

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